
Shareholders Agreement Heads of Terms

As a business owner, having a shareholders agreement in place is crucial to ensure that all parties involved are aligned and protected. One of the key components of this agreement is the heads of terms, which outlines the initial agreed-upon terms of the shareholder agreement.

The heads of terms typically includes information about the company’s ownership structure, including the percentage of shares held by each shareholder, as well as the initial investment made by each party. It also outlines the roles and responsibilities of each shareholder and any restrictions on the transfer of shares.

Another important aspect of the heads of terms is the provisions for dispute resolution. This may include a process for resolving disagreements between shareholders, as well as guidelines for the sale or transfer of shares in case of conflict.

Additionally, the heads of terms may address the distribution of profits and dividends, as well as any potential exit strategies. This section may outline the process for a shareholder to sell their shares, as well as any restrictions on the sale or transfer of shares to external parties.

Overall, the heads of terms is a critical component of a comprehensive shareholder agreement. It provides a framework for all parties involved, ensuring that everyone is clear on their roles and responsibilities while protecting the interests of the company and its shareholders.

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